KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Post-Foreclosure Eviction Summary Process for Tenants

Post-Foreclosure Eviction Summary Process

Notice to Quit

Just Cause Eviction Law

Summons & Complaint, Answer & Discovery, Jury Demand

Tenant Legal Claims

What to Expect When You Go To Court

What happens if You Lose Your Hearing?

Timing & Goals

Key Points to Remember for Tenant Post-Foreclosure Eviction Summary Process

Frequently Asked Post-Foreclosure Eviction Questions for Tenants

Can the bank or new owner evict me in the winter-time?

What happens if an investor buys the house at the foreclosure auction?

Do I have a right to an eviction court hearing?

I rent from my mother, but I do not have a lease; will I be evicted?

A family member pays rent and has a lease; is that person protected from eviction by the bank?

Is the new owner threatening to change the locks and shut off the utilities?

Would the immigration status of a member of the household be at risk when fighting the eviction?

Are section 8 tenants protected from eviction after foreclosure?

Is it illegal to accept a “Cash-for-Keys” offer?

Who is responsible for repairs after foreclosure?

I missed my eviction court hearing, can I request a new date?

Should I still go to court even if I did not file an Answer?

What happens if I’m unable to move out by the execution date?

Can the new owner after foreclosure double my rent?

Helpful Terms & Definitions



Post-Foreclosure Eviction

Notice To Quit




Bona Fide Tenant

Just Cause


Summons and Complaint




Legal Disclaimer: Although the information presented in these videos relates to legal issues, it is legal information and not legal advice. People dealing with housing issues who need legal advice or assistance should contact a lawyer. Every case is unique and outcomes will vary depending upon the facts and legal issues of your case. Please do not make any decisions about any legal matters without consulting an attorney first. Use of this information does not in any way create a lawyer-client relationship.

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